(set #etc1-text "Select directory for\npasswd, finger.log, and motd files\nDirectory etc will be created")
(set #etc2-text "Copying files to ")
(set #etc3-text "Creating directory etc...")
(set #host-text "\nSet computer name (HostName)")
(set #commands1-text "Select directory for commands")
(set #commands2-text "Copying commands to ")
(set #commands3-text "Login\nCopy icon?")
(set #cmd31-text "No")
(set #cmd32-text "Login_1.info")
(set #cmd33-text "Login_2.info")
(set #commands4-text "Copying icon...")
(set #commands5-text "Passwd\nCopy icon?")
(set #cmd51-text "No")
(set #cmd52-text "Passwd_1.info")
(set #cmd53-text "Passwd_2.info")
(set #homes1-text "Select directory for users homes\nDirectory homes will be created")
(set #homes2-text "Creating directory homes...")
(set #home-text "Creating home for root...")
(set #doc1-text "Select directory for ALockUtils documentation")
(set #doc2-text "Copying documentation...")
(set #ustartup1-text "Insert login procedure to the User-Startup?")
(set #usneg-text "No")
(set #uspos-text "Yes")
(set #ustartup2-text "\nInserting login procedure to the User-Startup...")
(set #info-text "\nATTENTION!\n\nTo log in as a first time the following user profile is created:\n\nLogin ID: root\nPassword: root\nName: System Administrator\n\nREMEMBER TO CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD!")